創設者 濵中亦七氏について/Founder Mr. Matashichi Hamanaka
濵中亦七氏は明治41年(1908年)3月25日に京都府与謝郡字伊根町蒲入に生まれ、高等小学校を卒業後、村役場の用務員、農業組合の職員を務め終戦を迎えました。その後「海の星興業株式会社」専務取締役となり、蒲入大敷組合と鯖を追いかける巻網船団を共同経営しました。 昭和27年(1952年)には蒲入漁業協同組合長になり、また京都府漁業協同組合連合会代表監事にもなり、昭和49年(1974年)末まで組合長と府漁連の役職を兼務しました。昭和50年(1975年)に京都府水産振興事業団の理事長になり、昭和60年(1985年)に退職した後も京都府海区漁業調整委員及び委員長などの役職にありました。 平成18年(2006年)1月7日に逝去。享年97歳。
海の星学寮設立の経緯/History of Foundation
昭和62年(1987年)、再び濵中氏が私財を投じて、木造寮に代わる鉄筋コンクリート造、3階建、延790 m2の新棟を建築しました。隣接する家屋に住む理事長とその夫人が寮母として常時世話をし、朝夕2食付きの寮として31人の学生が生活しています。
Mr. Matashichi Hamanaka was born in 1908 in a small fishing village at Kamanyu, Ine, where is located at the northern part of Tango Peninsula, Kyoto. He started his Christian life at 18 years old, when he learned about Bible and social service from Mr. Toyohiko Kagawa for a half a year in the Kagawa’s dormitory at Nishinomiya, Hyogo. At the age of 21, Mr. Hamanaka was baptized by a Catholic priest, Louis J. Relave at Miyazu Catholic Church. In 1949, when he was a leader of the fishermen’s cooperative at Kamanyu, he received a profit as an allotment of a successful round haul netter for a mackerel. Since he hesitated to use the profit for his private purpose, he asked Prof. Emeritus Denzaemon Hashimoto’s advice about the effective usage of the money. Mr. Hamanaka was acquainted with Prof. Hashimoto, Department of Agriculture, Kyoto University when Prof. Hashimoto served as an adviser of Kyoto Agricultural Cooperative Confederation. When Mr. Hamanaka visited Prof. Hashimoto at Kitashirakawa, Prof. Hashimoto recommended him to found a dormitory for students to nurture them to talented people on the following reason. Historically, the intelligence level in the country has been maintained by landed class people, but after the World War II the agrarian reform policy exiled these people from the country. In order to maintain the intelligence level in the country, it is important to make young people easy to learn in colleges and universities. Accepting this advice obediently, Mr. Hamanaka used the profit to found the Uninohoshi Gakuryo dormitory.
In 1951, Mr. Hamanaka bought a wooden building used as a dormitory named “Shiki-So” at Banba-cho, Jodo-ji, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto. Since the building was left without care and damaged, Mr. Hamanaka repaired and reformed for 20 students and 2 matrons (Ryobos) to live together. Ryobos served 3 meals in a day, which was very helpful for students in the poor period after the War. Since the wooden building needed continuous mending, Mr. Hamanaka donated a new building to the Foundation in place of the wooden building in 1987. 31 students became residents (Ryoseis) in the three-storied reinforced-concrete building of the total floor space, 790 m2. At present, in place of the resident Ryobos, Mr. Ichitoku Hamanaka and his wife as Ryobo live in the neighboring house and are taking care of students, serving 2 meals (breakfast and dinner) from Monday to Friday.
On May 29, 2022, Ichitoku Hamanaka resigned and left the dormitory with his wife, who had been the dorm mother for many years. Takuzo Funabiki succeeded him as board chairman, and the dormitory began a new chapter in its history as one separate from the Hamanaka family.
Since Hamanaka family is a Catholic, Catholicism is a basic spirit of Uminohoshi Gakuryo, as seen by the name of the dormitory, Uminohoshi (Maris Stella. i.e. Saint Maria), named by the founder. This will be explained to all Ryoseis before admission, but any religion including Catholic will not be insisted during the dormitory life. It is hoped, however, that Ryoseis will experience on their own initiative the Catholic and service spirits embodied by the founder, his family, and OB. Throughout the communal life which requires mutual contacts of total personalities, Ryoseis are expected to learn “importance of investigation of the universal truth and solution of plural subjects based on the charity and the humanism” and to grow into “talented people who will make remarkable contributions to not only progress and development of Japanese culture and society, but also global community in the different fields.
Dormitory superintendent (Ryocho), appointed by the chairman of the board of directors, serves as an advisor and an executor of the Uminohoshi program. Alumni members, ca.500, are willing to support the Uminohoshi program. As a proud tradition, all Ryoseis belong to a Ryosei council (Jichikai) and are requested to follow the Jichikai rules regulating communal life.